§ 4.10.100. Issuance, suspension, revocation by council, notice, hearing  

Latest version.
  • The city council reserves unto itself the right to refuse the issuance or reissuance of the license provided for in this chapter. In addition to other penalties as provided in this chapter, the city council reserves the right unto itself to revoke or suspend any license issued under this chapter at any time, where the same was procured by fraud, or false representation of facts, or for the violation or failure to comply with the provisions of this ordinance, or the violation of the laws or ordinances of the city of Selah, or the statutes of the state of Washington. At least three days before revoking any license, the city council shall cause to be mailed or delivered to the holder of such license at his last known address, a notice stating the time and place of the hearing concerning the revocation, at which the licensee shall be entitled to be heard and introduce testimony of witnesses. The action of the city council relative to such revocation shall be final, and such revocation shall be by resolution.

    The city council may, by resolution, suspend any license issued under the provisions of this ordinance for a period of not less than ten days, and no more than sixty days, without notice. Such suspension to be effective immediately.

    Upon revocation or suspension of license, it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to retain such license in his possession and the same shall, upon demand, be delivered to the city clerk.

(Ord. 175 § 10, 1952.)